The Best Ever Pumpkin Soup

Best Ever? Yep, it’s a big call, I know. You see, people usually prefer their family’s version of certain foods, right? It’s what we grew up with, and by which we are likely to judge future versions. One of my favourite dinners my Mum (who is vegetarian) cooks is her pumpkin soup. Technically, it’s not really her pumpkin soup, because it does come from a cookbook 😉 – however, I will call it Mum’s, and I rate it as the best I’ve ever had.

This the pumpkin soup I judge all others by. I don’t like pumpkin soups when they’re watery and thin, or thickened with potatoes, or when they contain ham (I do love ham, just not in my pumpkin soup).

This pumpkin soup is a cream of pumpkin soup. It’s thick, comforting, and perfect for cooler weather. Sure, we’ve only had cool weather for the last 2 days, but that’s good enough for me to bring out the soup (farewell 30+ degree days, I won’t miss you!). If it’s not cold enough for you yet, save this recipe for winter 😉 It has only a few ingredients, but I personally think the simplicity (and the fragrant nutmeg)  allows the pumpkin to be the star – delicious! The recipe is from the cookbook Great Vegetarian Dishes by Kurma Dasa.

Do you have a family meal favourite that you judge other versions by?

Cream of Pumpkin Soup – Serves 4
Great Vegetarian Dishes, by Kurma Dasa

  • 90g butter (I used regular salted butter for this)
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1kg peeled and cubed pumpkin (I like to use butternut)
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 tablespoon plain flour
  • Freshly ground pepper and salt
  • Cream and chopped fresh parsley for serving, optional
  1. Melt half the butter in a large pot over moderate heat. Add the nutmeg, a good crack of black pepper, and pumpkin cubes and sauté for 10 minutes.
  2. Add the water and bring to a boil. Cook until the pumpkin is very tender – around 20 minutes, stirring regularly.
  3. Empty the contents of the pot into a blender and add half the milk. Puree the mixture, set aside. Rinse the pot.
  4. Heat the remaining butter in the same pot over low-medium heat. Stir the flour into the butter. Return the pumpkin puree to the pot along with the remaining milk, stirring constantly until the soup is well blended. Bring to a boil, then simmer for a few minutes, and season with salt.
  5. Serve the hot soup garnished with cream and chopped parsley.


Filed under Easy, Soup, Vegetarian

19 responses to “The Best Ever Pumpkin Soup

  1. Mardi Lowe

    YUMM will have to keep this in mind for winter!!

    ” Do you have a family meal favourite that you judge other versions by? ”
    Yes my mums egg and bacon pie is the BEST!!!

  2. Lolz! You do know it’s going to be 30 degrees on the weekend right? 😉

    I’m not a big pumpkin soup fan… My aunty makes a good pumpkin soup but I think we just had it so much growing up that even the THOUGHT of it now makes my stomach turn… :-/

  3. The simple things are usually the best!

  4. Guy

    That looks like a bloody good pumpkin soup (am i allowed to say bloody on your blog) . I ‘ll definitely be giving that a go in the months to come.

  5. i haz issues with ham in my pumpkin soup too! definitely love the look of your recipe mmm nice swirl of cream oh yes

  6. Oooh best ever! Now I love those recipes as I always feel like they’re be keepers. I like the addition of nutmeg-it would give it almost a pumpkin pie feel!

  7. This is definitely a ‘classic’! I have always wanted to try making pumpkin soup at home but never really knew how as simple as pumpkin soup sounds. I am definitely going to make it now. I wonder if I can use olive oil instead of butter though..
    So thank you for posting this up! 🙂

    • You’re welcome! 😀
      Yes, I was wondering about that as well. I think you could definitely use olive oil in the first stage when cooking the pumpkin, but can you use olive oil instead of butter to make the kind-of-roux? A quick search has Wikipedia telling me that Hungarian cuisine uses vegetable oil instead of butter – so yes! You probably can 😀

  8. Looks great! I don’t have a family recipe that I compare to everything else, as my parents can’t cook, lol! I think the nicest thing my mum ever made was spaghetti bol, and trust me, I’ve had better 😛

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